The Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) recognizes The Compassion Advocacy Network, Inc. (C.A.N.) as a Section 501( c )( 3 ) public charity. Gifts to C.A.N. are tax-deductible in the U.S.A. Federal Tax ID# 11-3754548. The Compassion Advocacy Network Inc. is not part of nor associated with Compassion International, Inc

The C.A.N. Help! Program, assists vulnerable populations, primarily seniors, veterans, the disabled, the impoverished, and those who continue to suffer the effects of COVID-19, by providing them with basic needs such as groceries, personal care items and friendship relations through 1 to 1 visitations.
C.A.N. Help! Bags are how we deliver basic needs and personal care items to isolated seniors in need. Our C.A.N. Help! Bags include but aren't limited to:
Activity booklets and colored pencils for mental stimulation, relaxation, and boredom relief.
Quality protein items to meet basic nutritional needs.
Snacks for pleasure and self-esteem.
Hygiene items like hand sanitizer to facilitate proper hand-washing during the pandemic.
And relevant additional items.

Mobile Food Pantry
Compassion On The Move is our mobile food pantry. This program delivers food and other items to the front doors of isolated seniors, helping to supplement their grocery bills so that they don't go hungry during the month.

Technology is a wonderful asset that helps connect isolated seniors with the world around them. Through our programs we teach seniors the following:
How to Set Up and Use a Smartphone which provides seniors with a way to keep up with the latest relevant news, and makes their phones senior-friendly by enlarging the font size, increasing the ringer sound, downloading apps, updating their contact information, and changing various settings to meet their needs.
How to Use Online Shopping and Delivery which helps seniors who are unable to get out to stores, enabling them to get contactless delivery of groceries or consumer products.
How to Use Video Chat or Calling in an effort to combat isolationism by assisting seniors in communication with their loved ones or friends by sight and sound.

Throughout the year, CAN creates targeted events and initiatives all designed to raise support, awareness, and critical funds to combat senior isolationism by continuing to provide much needed groceries, personal care items, connection and so much more! These initiatives include:
The Adopt Someone Forgotten Annual Golf Tournament
The Adopt Someone Forgotten Dignity Walk
CAN Christmas
Annual Angel Tree Christmas Gifts for Seniors
We invite you to join us and show your direct support for our seniors while also assisting with our mission of putting compassion into action.